So I’ve learned a little trick that makes it easier for me to get down to the day’s work. When I’ve finished with my day’s quota of pages, whatever I’ve deemed that to be, I’m dying to get away from my desk. But my head is still in the story. So I either make an outline or write a quick synopsis of what I want to happen on the page the next morning (or afternoon).

Here’s the trick with doing that. Since it isn’t ‘official’ writing your mind is freed to come up with some fresh ideas for the direction of the book. Even you’re working from a larger outline, having the next day’s work mapped out makes it all the much easier to get your butt in that chair the next day.

I know for me, and I would guess for most authors, the lack of a guideline—or boilerplate—is often what stops us in our tracks. We’re a bit overwhelmed thinking about that larger picture. But when you’ve given yourself a little map for the day’s next day’s work, it’s that much easier to get started. And starting is what it’s all about.

So don’t forget to draw up the next day’s work before heading out for that cocktail or walk. Your writing will benefit from it.

Fifty two weeks of writers’ tips from Catherine O’Connell